
Carnets can be booked from the 2nd of January 2019

Tickets can be booked from the 1st of February 2019


Seats are booked on the basis of written orders. After receiving confirmation of your order (sent by e-mail or post), you should pay 50% of the value of the combined festival tickets or individual concert tickets ordered (orders for an amount of less than PLN 150.00 must be paid in full) to the Foundation’s bank account:

Iban: PL 69 1090 2327 0000 0005 9410 0000

After receiving the payment, we will confirm your booking by means of an invoice for the advance amount paid, issued to the person who has made the payment.
Booking will continue until no more combined festival tickets or individual concert tickets are available, which will be notified on

Combined festival ticket price: 960,00 zł.

The combined festival ticket includes entrance to concerts at 16.00 and 20.00 as well as the NOCTURNE concert.

Ticket prices

Combined festival ticket960,00 zł
Inauguration concert90,00 zł
Concerts on 3-9 August
at 20:00
70,00 zł
Concerts on 3-10 August
at 16:00
50,00 zł
Final concert90,00 zł
Nocturne concert150,00 zł
Charity concertfree entrance
Promotional concertfree entrance